Screenwriter: Gaelle Renzaglia
Genre: Historical Drama
Format: Mini-Series
"Through all lifetime, I will always find you"
A bilingual 8 part mini series that explores the profound uniqueness and beauty of finding your soulmate.
A multi generational love story that starts in 1600's France and continues through early Montreal and Canadian history all the way till the present. It will follow Louis and Elizabeth, young lovers who meet in France in the early 1600's and through different incarnations and characters (but the same souls) we will follow their love story through centuries of Montreal history and see how wars, politics, crime affect, change and mold love's destiny.
Directors: John L'Ecuyer
Screenwriter: John L'Ecuyer
Genre: Drama
Format : TV Series
HENRY ’s a “Gonzo” journalist with a dark edgy sense of humour who lives for excitement, danger and the adrenaline high of life on the edge. Henry has seen human beings at their best and their worst. And like every great Gonzo journalist, he’s been there himself.
He’s also a father who shares custody of his fourteen-year-old daughter, COOKIE with his high-strung ex-wife, JANIS , after the suicide of Henry’s mother, MARY—a woman under whose shadow Henry has lived his entire life.
Mary Latrigue is both Henry’s inspiration and albatross. A renowned journalist, Mary was there when Castro took power, she was there when the Killing Fields in Cambodia were discovered, and she has held private counsel with almost every powerful man in the world. Her death is something Henry has yet to come to terms with; her legacy something he wonders if he will ever measure up to.
But Henry is something else as well—a heroin addict. It was a habit he started in his teenage years, but it grew out of control during his reportages in Asia, the Middle East and with the Taliban in Afghanistan. Even after many painful “cold turkeys,” 24-hour opiate withdrawal programs, NA, CA, AA and every other therapy and self-help group, the full-force of addiction rears its ugly head whenever he needs “a break from feeling”—a break from the memories and nightmares of genocides in Rwanda and Darfur and Rape Camps in Bosnia. He’s functional but walking on thin ice every day of his life.
And as we meet him that ice is starting to crack
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Sizzle Reel Edited by : Jon Cramner - Music by : Alt-J
Screenwriter: John L'Ecuyer
Genre: Dark Comedy
Format: TV Series
Based on John's many years working at the real Centre 313.
This 8 X 1 hour continuing dramatic series revolves around a young social worker, Stephen Bagg, who finally gets his chance to work in a Drop In Centre for at-risk youth in a typical Canadian city. As Stephen tries to positively impact the lives of those he serves he becomes caught up and embroiled too deeply in the lives of teen run-aways, prostitutes, drug addicts and everything else that young people grapple with as they try to find their way in life.
Shot in a documentary style reminiscent of a Larry Clark photo essay the harsh, often tragic stories are interspersed with humour and the triumph of the human condition to overcome odds that seem insurmountable.
Screenwriter: Gaelle Renzaglia
Genre: Drama
Format: Feature Film
"Love is not about who you're living with, but who you can't live without"
A bilingual feature film set in Paris, New York, Los Angeles and Montreal. It follows Khloe and Raphael over the 10 years they struggle to accept the love they have for each other and all the ramifications inherent in giving one's heart to someone else.
Can you still pursue your own dreams, travel and career and maintain a love affair that pulls you away from being singularly focused on the life you want to create as an individual? It's a question most of us have had to grapple with at one time or another with results that are often emotionally draining.
Broken explores all this with compassion, humour and an unexpected ending.